MySpace is full of thieves

I’ve been having increasing problems with the server today.  I’ll admit I’m not sure if it’s the server or the network or something else entirely.  In any case, my host is checking into it and I hope to have an answer (and, hopefully, a resolution) soon.

In the meantime, I’ve been looking through my logs to see if I could find a probable cause.  I haven’t.  What I have found is a bunch of thievery from MySpace users attempting to hotlink photos on my site.

For those not in the know, hotlinking is when a web site directly links to an image or other resource on another site and tries to display it directly on their pages or link to it as though they own it.  It’s bandwidth theft in the most blatant of ways (the image bandwidth comes from the hosting site, not the site where the asshole thief’s page is located).  Much to my dismay, I’ve run across a great many of these crooks at MySpace.

What none of them appears to realize is that I disabled hotlinking when I set up this box.  If the referrer data for anything on my server doesn’t match one of my domains, a 403 (Forbidden) error is returned.  If the item is embedded in a page (rather than linked to directly), it won’t display anything except the broken image indicator from whatever browser you’re using.  If the object in question is linked to directly via an anchor, anyone clicking on the link will be shown a 403 Forbidden page that explains that hotlinking is not allowed.

In the month of October alone, more than 30,000 of these errors have been generated by hotlinking, and now I see all but a few of those were generated by MySpace.  It pisses me off that so many idiots think it’s okay to steal from others.  The vast majority of the images on this site (and subsequently the vast majority being hotlinked to) are copyrighted by me with all rights reserved.  Nonetheless, the web is full of criminals who don’t care to notice such things or abide by the law.

Therefore, I’m listing all the fucking assholes in the last 300 visitors (based on accesses to the site) who are doing this and pointing out that (a) they’re indulging in criminal behavior, (b) they’re thieves who want to take from others, (c) they feel it’s okay to assume whatever they find is theirs to use as they will, and (d) they’re so clueless that they’ve not realized the images won’t work and the links will fail.  Pathetic chumps.

Here are the brainless idiots indulging in thievery and general assholery based on the last 300 errors:

Scott who thinks he’s something when he’s actually a big ol’ nothing.

Tremor who is a wannabe of some kind but really has no potential or future.

Amyyy who can’t spell and is probably going to wind up on the streets as a homeless wench.

Yendhay who enjoys giving stolen property as birthday gifts.

Abba Zaba! who’s not only anorexic but is also a kleptomaniacal bitch.

zimmo whose page is reminiscent of a cavewoman who keeps stealing food from her own child.

Phony Metric who is, well, just what the asshole claims to be: phony.  And a complete freak.

triple threat tech which appears to be a couple of losers who are also a couple in crime.

Muvumbu who couldn’t find his ass with both hands despite that being where his head is located.

*ChIcK oN bOoS* who’s as ugly as she is unable to develop a reasonably readable web page, and that has nothing to do with her being a thieving cunt.

i love i jim who wants to know how low a punk can get.  I don’t know, you fucking loser punk, you’re the one stealing so why don’t you tell us how much lower you’ve gone.

Kerri who’s obviously a crack whore bitchasaurus that uses theft as a means of showing empathy… or what the fuck ever she’s doing.

Mike who is a sexual deviant prowling MySpace for his fag-hag harem.  Oh, and he lives in Texas, so one would assume he’d have better manners than to practice theft so blatantly.

Megan who’s all “DON’T ADD ME AS A FRIEND UNLESS YOU MESSAGE ME FIRST” but is quite okay with committing larceny against total strangers.  Maybe she wouldn’t have been such a loser if I’d said “DON’T STEAL FROM ME UNLESS YOU MESSAGE ME FIRST” or something equally infantile.

Ted Nays who apparently is a 26-year-old criminal that gets off on men in tights.

Those are the idiot assholes I can prove were stealing from me.  I suspect they’ve also been stealing from others.

Since I don’t have a MySpace account and won’t be getting one as I’d rather not be associated with Rupert Murdoch’s attempt at social control, let alone the litany of losers who have accounts there (my family, friends and acquaintances excepted of course), the following user pages show someone is trying to steal images from me although they’re marked private and I can’t see precisely who’s committing the crime.  Whether it’s the page owner or someone who left a comment is now irrelevant to me.  If MySpace intends to enable and endorse criminal activity such as theft and copyright infringement and violation of content rights, I have no problem airing these people out as additional dirty laundry—but I’ll refrain from making snide comments since there’s no way for me to tell if they’re the guilty party or not.

Tara Lynn xO


Emma Lee


As cathartic as this exercise has been, I’m not done bashing these people.

I’ve already explained why hotlinking to this site doesn’t work (it’s been blocked at the server level and is a very specific access rule to ensure all media and important files are thus protected).  Did none of these idiots check to see if their image links, background images, comment content, and other theft was actually going to display what they were trying to steal?  By the way, you bunch of asshole suckers and piss drinkers, that’s my fucking bandwidth you’re trying to take.  You didn’t pay for it.  Oh, and it’s my copyright you’re violating.  That’s a federal crime in case your empty heads didn’t know it.  And one more thing: When it says “All Rights Reserved” it actually means “ALL FUCKING RIGHTS FUCKING RESERVED YOU FUCKING CLUELESS FUCKING MORONIC FUCKING ASSHOLIC FUCKING FUCKERS!”

Gosh, I feel much better now.

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