The evil tree

Don’t ask me why because I don’t know.  I absolutely love this tree.  It has a look about it, a certain je ne sais quoi that I can’t define, a spirit of some kind…  Suffice it to say this tree is inspiration for a story that is only now taking shape.  With that in mind, I wanted to share with you one of the many photographs I have of the big beast.

And I do wish I could explain my fascination with it.

Looking up at an old tree (146_4655)

[Update] The more I look at this photo, the more I wish the sun was out right now so I could walk down to the lake and take a gander at it for a bit.  Look at the hi-res version and take special note of its bark with the cracked embrace of the tree.  Look at the bent and crooked limbs that seem feebly disfigured from age.  Look at the sparsity of its veil of foliage that seems only capable of holding back a wee bit of the sun’s relentless onslaught.  It just feels ancient in some way, does it not?  It seems a timeless spirit resides in that tree and has shaped the plant’s existence around its own life that was old when the world was young.  It’s obviously experienced a rough life in some ways given the broken body of the tree both at top-left and center-right.  I really love this creature.  I’ll post more photos of it in the future.

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