Could you have guessed?

I bet you couldn’t.  I bet it never occurred to anyone, but it’s quite true.

I had to take speech therapy classes when I was quite young.  I’m talking back in elementary school.  That’s right, poppets.  I couldn’t speak correctly and needed individual tutoring and therapy.  I had a terrible lisp (called a “lazy lisp” because it wasn’t caused by a physical trait) and didn’t care to put any effort into my speech patterns.  I enunciated words incorrectly, ignored accurate pronunciation, limited my own vocabulary to the minimum number of words needed to get by (many of which came out more as grunts and odd noises), and generally didn’t seem to care about the whole verbal communication thing—and all to my own detriment, I might add, for I was a bit of a laughing stock even in kindergarten because I sounded more like a feeble baby than a child in school.

Are you surprised?  Or, if you’re like me, are you thinking quietly to yourself, “He obviously needs a lot more therapy”?

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