
I’m reversing course on the upgrades I did yesterday.  There are a great many problems stemming from the changes.  While most of them aren’t visible to the majority of people, they are there and are causing disruptions in various ways.

The downgrade is a simple process, but I can’t promise it won’t be without incident.  As soon as it’s done (in the next 10 minutes), don’t hesitate to scream and shout if you run across problems.

What this will fix is a myriad of issues: invalid XHTML formation around multimedia files, non-compliance with XMLRPC standards, inability to access and manage comments shunted to the spam container, various link-related issues, and on and on it goes.

So, as I said, the downgrade should be complete in 10 minutes or so.  I’ll add a quick update to this post once it’s done.  After that, I’ll fix anything I find, but you should feel free to say something if you run into any peculiar behavior.

[Update] The downgrade is finished.  I only saw a problem with the links and resolved that with relative ease.  If anything jumps out at you as being broken, please let me know.

[Update 2] I have discovered a rather disconcerting problem.  All of the static pages (like About) have somehow been turned into posts, so all the old links are broken.  This won’t be too difficult to fix but will take a bit of time.  Ugh.  This will teach me…

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