I love that Vazra constantly looks like a grump. It’s those Persian features.
Oh, and on that note. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s either a softer version of his breed or is of mxed genetic heritage. His face lacks the severe compression evident in most Persian cats. Maybe he’s not of full-blooded ancestry. Maybe he’s just graced with a visage not quite as smashed in as others. But anyway…
Because of his facial features, Vazra always seems to be scowling, what with the complaining mouth and furrowed brow and all the rest. But he’s a terribly sweet cat. He loves attention. He purrs with ease. He constantly wants to be close and snuggly.
Nevertheless, it’s hard to look at him without thinking he’s an irritable, grouchy, cantankerous feline. And I like that about him.
So here’s a photographic study of the many faces of Vazra. As the title infers, I think you’ll notice there’s a consistent theme…