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Wildly Hilarious Signs, Part 3: Some of these are hysterical!

The latest edition of the Oekologie Carnival is available.  There’s plenty of ecology and environmental science writing for you to peruse, so head on over and check it out.

Carnival Of The Godless #60 has a quick presentation of all the infidel goodies you can stand.

This surprised me.  “A University of Arizona team found the average office desktop harbours 400 times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat. However, they also found that on average women have three to four times the amount of germs in, on and around their work area.”  Women?  The dirtiest work areas?  Really?  That just seems odd, but then again, this takes the cake: “But men’s wallets provided the most fertile bug breeding ground of all.”  Okay, guys, you need to stop doing whatever you’re doing with your wallets.  That’s just gross.

Don’t miss Carnival of the Cats #152.

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