A tentative change to the blogging approach

I’m going to try a different approach to my blogging schedule.  Or at least what I post and when it shows up, although that doesn’t really include a change to my schedule.

Since beginning my new job, I’ve normally entered posts each afternoon/evening that would show up the following day.  This kept the general blog activity on a normal schedule for everyone except me.  My schedule has changed dramatically and keeping up my normal routine was impossible anyway.

But now I’ve decided to try something a wee bit different.

Instead of scheduling items to appear throughout the following day, I’m going to post them immediately when I write them.  That means new content during the week will appear in the late afternoon and evening instead of the morning and early afternoon.

How does this impact you?

First: Today you’ll see more posts than normal.  Call it equalization.  Like a diver decompressing after a deep-water excursion, I’m using today to equalize my blog activity with the new schedule.  Several things intended for tomorrow will show up today instead.

Second: There will be no new posts tomorrow until I get home and get them written.  You can expect to see some new content in the evening at latest.

My hope is that this new approach will be better for my schedule and activities.  Although sitting down and writing the posts would have been done anyway, somehow I think this method will be more amicable to me.  I can’t explain it; just know it makes sense to me.

I’m going to give it a try over the next few days at minimum.  If I find it totally abhorrent, I’ll go back to the old approach; otherwise, this will be the new scheme of things around here.

So let’s see how it works out.

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