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Only the coots are sailing
[a handful of American coots (Fulica americana) lounging in calm waters near sailboats rendered useless by a lack of wind]
February 19, 2007
In "Abstract Photos"
Open thread
Grand Rounds 2.37 is quite extensive this time around. Go see the best from the medical blogosphere. If you don't normally read through the whole thing, go ahead and search for the entry on the benefits of naps as an example of some of the interesting news you can find…
June 7, 2006
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Redkloud is 24 today
My nephew Redkloud (Michael) is 24 today. Wow, I remember what it was like to be 24, but that was back when the dinosaurs roamed the planet — so I'm sure things are quite different these days. Happy Birthday!
May 16, 2005
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