Sing to me of breakage

I performed a massive update and reconfiguration this evening of the server hosting this site.  My intent was to make it ready for the implementation of new features (and to make those services available to other sites running on the same server).

While my testing indicates no problems, mileage can always vary. . .

So please speak up if you run across any problems.

Likewise, expect to see some changes coming soon (e.g., more security around comment submissions, like CAPTCHA images or other challenge/response systems, automatic blocking of trackbacks based on source page/server information, and so on).  You see, I’ve grown quite tired of the constant deluge of spam comments and trackbacks (>5,000 this week alone, all of which I have to check to ensure no valid comments were caught in the filter).  By inducing automatic checks against these, I hope to reduce the number of comments I have to look through each day while not terribly inconveniencing anyone who wants to leave a comment or submit a trackback.

We’ll see how it goes.

All I ask is that you tell me the moment you run across a problem or something that seems a bit off.  I’ll appreciate the feedback while hoping to make the site a little less easy for spammers—and a lot less inconvenient for me to manage.

[Update] I’ve now added a challenge/response system for comments based on simple math.  I find CAPTCHA very anti-accessibility.  That is, they render comments useless to those using screen readers who can’t see the images.  Therefore, I’ve added a new comment field based on simple math that can be seen/read by a screen reader.

So from now on when you want to leave a comment, you have to answer a basic number problem.  I can’t imagine anyone will find these challenges too problematic.  They’re simple and accessible.

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