I submitted the photos in question on October 29. If they’re to be included in the field guide, I suspect it might be up to 30 days before I know for certain.
The last update? An e-mail from the publisher:
Thanks Jason. We’ll decide what we need and be in touch with you. It can be a slow process.
Keep in mind they contacted me, not the other way around, so I have at least some hope that my pictures already have a leg up on the competition.
Time will tell, though. I’ll keep you posted.
I submitted the photos today. What photos? These photos. Here's what I can tell you in addition to what I already said about this. The book is a field guide to wildflowers. Its scope appears regional. I can tell you it's being written by "noted naturalists Rick and Nora Bowers,…
October 29, 2007
In "Photo News"
I've answered several pending FAQ submissions and am working on answering some of the others that have been submitted. Read on for details. The updates are in the following sections. Website Politics Tattoos Piercings If you have a question that isn't already here, be sure to…
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2 thoughts on “The latest on the photo publication thing”