Upon the many trails and roads we find ourselves throughout life, some are clearly marked.
Others less so.
Many we travel alone, footpaths rarely visited by others.
Some appear to go nowhere at all.
Light and shadow dapple many of the journeys we face, the signposts declaring joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure.
Yet one thing remains constant: No one can or will travel the same routes we take. We own our journeys as much as we own our actions.
January 24, 2007
In "Nature Photos"
Loss becomes the world, the empty gallows within which so many find themselves hanged, and into that shadowy world plethoras soon will fall—if they haven't by now. Our species rejuvenates itself upon the suffering of others, the wishful thinking of extinction that we will upon those we call alien, different,…
January 12, 2009
In "Nature Photos"
Lost. I get lost sometimes. Not that it bothers me. Many times I intentionally lead myself astray so I can wander the unseen, the unexplored, the oft forgotten. When it becomes important I will find my way home. Eventually. Only this time my adventure into nowhere stemmed from a series…
May 29, 2009
In "Nature Photos"