If there’s one thing about wildflowers that gets my heart jumpin’, it’s that there are so many that come in my favorite color: purple. Makes me all swoony and lightheaded…
Plumed thistle (a.k.a. spear thistle, bull thistle or roadside thistle; Cirsium vulgare)
Prairie verbena (Verbena bipinnatifida)
Showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa)
Mexican petunia (a.k.a. Texas petunia or common ruellia; Ruellia brittoniana)
Littleleaf sensitive brier (a.k.a catclaw brier, sensitive vine littleleaf mimosa, native mimosa; Mimosa microphylla)
Musk thistle (a.k.a. nodding thistle; Carduus nutans)
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