Category Archives: Kazon Photos

It’s one or the other

Sitting at my desk working on the computer beckons for company.  It is a lonely place, a solitary exercise undoubtedly reeking of aloneness that cats apparently are fully capable of identifying.  If The Kids are any indication, finding myself here calls for immediate action.  Kazon represents the best example of this.  He believes that there are two possible responses to Daddy’s busy yet bored demeanor: take his lap or take his shoulders.  This is not always convenient.

If he chooses my lap, I am generally forever blocked from using at least one hand — and that’s assuming my free hand isn’t busy petting and scratching him.

Kazon sleeping in my lap while I sit at the desk (120_2067)

If he chooses my shoulders, it becomes unpardonable for me not to give him the attention demanded by his constant purring in my ear and rubbing against my face.

Kazon sleeping on my shoulders while I sit at the desk (112_1216)

Ultimately, I am left in a quandary under these circumstances.  I want to complete whatever activity I was tending to on the computer, whether that be writing or reading.  On the other hand, I cannot deny Kazon’s love and silent demand for attention.

What’s a father to do?

Attack of the feather beasts

In early 1999, only months after adopting Kako and Kazon, Derek and I went on a shopping spree at Cat Connection, returning home a few hours later with all manner of new toys and goodies for The Kids.  Some of those toys included a handful of feathers.

Each of The Kids got a feather, and boy-oh-boy did the fun begin.  Feathers were flying and cats were spinning and leaping and hunting and talking up a storm.  Derek and I laughed uncontrollably as we watched the mayhem unfold.

Sadly, the photos I took were with a very old film-based camera and is evidenced by the quality of the pictures.  That also means I did not get any video.  Irrespective of the lowbrow method of recording the fun, attached are some of the pictures I took that day showing the feather beasts and subsequent bedlam.

One thing you will notice in the photos is that this happened two or three weeks after Grendel‘s hip surgery.  That is why his back-right quarter appears to be new hair growth: it is.  They shaved a large chunk of his body and the photo shows it in an interim state of regrowth.

Loki with a feather in the sneaker (loki10)

Loki put the feather inside Derek’s sneaker, then promptly attacked the sneaker with vicious abandon.  He loves playing with shoes even if there’s no toy surprise inside.

Grendel rolling around with the feather (grendel05)
Grendel rolling around with a feather (grendel06)

Hip surgery or not, Grendel was a wild man with the feathers, rolling around and talking excitedly the whole time.

Kazon having just caught the feather (kazon09)
Kazon rolling around with the feather (kazon)

Kazon loves feathers and had a hard time finding one to play with.  Each time he did, one of the feathers his siblings had would catch his attention.

Kako attacking the feather (kako10)

Kako pounced on the feather and took great joy in conquering the beast before it could do more harm.

Kazon the kitten

Enjoy some photos of Kazon from 1998 shortly after he was adopted.

Kazon under foot (kazon01)
Kazon sleeping (kazon04)
Kazon playing with a ball (kazon05)
Kazon caught in a lick (kazon06)
Kazon investigating the CD rack (kazon07)

Kazon is very affectionate.  He loves to give “head butts” — walking up to you and rubbing his head against your face, although he generally doesn’t slow down and can hit you full force if you’re not careful.  Here he is stalking Derek’s face for some lovin’.

Kazon stalking Derek's face (kazon03)