Category Archives: Nature Photos

You look nothing like your parents

When I took a photo of this little critter, I was uncertain what it was.  I’ve seen these bugs all over the place here and often took note they were in large numbers along with the common multi-colored Asian lady beetles (a.k.a. ladybugs or ladybird beetles, Harmonia axyridis).  After a bit of investigation this morning, I’ve now discovered this is actually what the lady beetle larvae look like.  That explains why they’re often seen with the adult bugs.

A multi-colored Asian lady beetle larva warming in the sun (157_5741)

The telling tree

My favorite tree has been telling me all sorts of stories.  This is the inspiration for what might end up being my second attempt at a novel (once the current project is finished and being submitted).  I talked to Rick about the idea this afternoon during lunch and he was impressed with it.  He found it a very unique and compelling brainchild.  We’ll see how it goes.

Part of my difficulty with it is what the story is about and how that can be told, but it’s also how to successfully keep it flowing while spanning centuries.  It’s dark and twisted and full of period pieces, but the underlying reason for what happens actually goes back millennia; all of that has to be told from an overriding perspective in modern times.

The title of the book is already selected.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  It’s been narrowed down to three possible choices that all mean the same thing.  It’ll either be one word or five words.

Okay, no more talk.  I don’t want to give away this idea like I did the last one.  It’s a surprise, one I hope you’ll enjoy.

In the meantime, another photo of my favorite tree, the storyteller.

My favorite tree with the sun barely shining through the upper branches (146_4660)