Category Archives: Photos

Laundry day with Kazon

Only his idea of doing the laundry is quite different from mine…

Kazon sitting atop the washing machine (113_1391)

Is it time to start the laundry?

Kazon checking out the laundry supplies (113_1380)

Here’s that stuff you need, Daddy.

Kazon playing with the clothes hangers (113_1383)

Nobody told me laundry day came with hanging toys.  Cool!

Kazon sitting on the washing machine looking down at the laundry (113_1393)

You can’t fit all those clothes in here, can you?

Kazon sitting on the washing machine looking out into the kitchen (113_1389)

And there’s even more clothes out there!

Kazon sitting on the washing machine looking up at the shelves (113_1376)

I don’t think you have enough of that stuff for all this laundry.

Kazon lying on the washing machine ()

Are we done yet?


He’s my man!

And don’t be makin’ me hafta tell ya twice now!  Uh-huh…  Think I’m a lie…

Close-up of Kako sleeping next to Grendel (149_4955)

[The Lovers: (left to right) Grendel and Kako; click on it for a hi-res version; again, check out her ear freckles; I think they’re cute]