Category Archives: Loki

The dichotomy that is Kazon

Kazon has always been a little slower mentally than the other kids at the playground.  Actually, Kazon is our household “dumb jock” — big, strong, as sweet as the day is long, and dumber than a sack of hair.

When he was a kitten I always thought Kazon would grow out of his dimwittedness.  This was based on Loki having gone through the same thing — start out slow and dumb and pubert (I know it’s not a word but it gets the point across) into a dangerously intelligent cat (danger for me, that is!).

Sadly this was not to be the case with Kazon.  He never grew out of his adolescent synaptic density.  In layman’s terms, he stayed on the not-so-intelligent end of the IQ scale.

For instance, Kazon rarely remembers he has an ass.  He’ll attempt to jump up on something and will end up with his front half successfully in the right place while his rear half dangles precariously over the edge which, eventually, either pulls him back to the floor or forces him to scramble to get to where he wanted to be.  Sure, it’s funny because you always know it’s going to happen.  He has yet to remember there’s a lot more Kazon back there.

Another example is Kazon’s tail — as in, he chases it.  This is the most hysterical thing I’ve ever watched because he’s so intent on catching it and will spin in circles going speeds that make me dizzy by just watching him.  He’ll chase it intently for quite some time before something else catches his attention and makes him forget about what he was doing.

And that brings me to another example.  I can always and easily distract Kazon from anything without worrying about him remembering what he was doing.  This is the best thing I can do so far as discipline is concerned.  He’s too big and too muscular for anything to penetrate enough to make a difference.  If you swat him on the ass for doing something, he just turns around and looks at you questioningly, as if to say, “What are you doing?  Is this a new game?”  Besides, any discipline that he might feel is lost by the fact that he won’t remember why he was disciplined by the time you do something.  He’s just that simple-minded.  The moment you speak up about what he’s doing, he thinks you’re just talking to him and will immediately come to you for some love and attention.  This negates any attempt to discipline him.

As the baby of the house (pathetic baby, that is), Kazon is constantly in trouble.  His curiosity is exacerbated by the fact that he doesn’t remember what he’s seen and hasn’t seen, so everything is always new to him every time he sees it.

Despite all of his mental shortcomings, though, Kazon has skills.  Doors are one of his masterpieces.  This is the dichotomy.

He’s always been fascinated by doors and has learned how to open them.  All of them.  Maybe it’s that typical feline curiosity that drives him, but, whatever it is, it pushed him to be inventive and to figure out how to get into places he really shouldn’t be.

If there’s a doorknob, he understands what it’s for and will try to use it.  If there’s a handle, he’ll try to grab it and pull it down.  If it’s a cupboard door, he knows to use his front paws to pull it open far enough to get his head inside — followed by the rest of him.

This skill is not lost on the rest of The Kids.  They’ve all learned how to get into the cupboards because of Kazon.  More importantly, his sister Kako has learned to always follow him when he’s investigating something because he’ll be her key to get into trouble.

The video below is a perfect example of both Kazon’s prowess with doors and his sister’s ability to remain hidden in the background until he gets into trouble — at which point she rushes in to get her piece of the pie.

In this video Kazon is trying to open the doors to the laundry room.  They’re double-doors with the ball-and-groove latches at the top.  Watch him to see how he tries to open the doors by reaching under them, how he reaches for the doorknobs but realizes they’re too high, tries the tiny space between the doors, and then eventually gets them open.  Also watch for Kako’s surprise appearance from just outside of the camera’s range once the doors have opened (this is what she does — waits patiently out of the picture until he’s successful, then she rushes in).

This video is in Windows Media Player (WMV) format.  It’s 1:32 (one minute thirty-two seconds) in length and is about 4.13 MB (so be prepared for the download if you’re using dial-up).

I hope they have a good Christmas

I went Christmas shopping for The Kids last week and, much to my surprise, spent much more than I normally did.  I was a little shocked by how much I spent and felt as though I had probably gone overboard.  I then realized this is the first year that I'm completely on my own so far as their Christmas is concerned.  Before this year Derek was always an active participant in spoiling The Kids for their birthdays and Christmas and, to be completely honest, the rest of the year.  Since we always shared the expense of their holiday goodies, the increased cost this year made more sense to me.

As with last year's Christmas, I'll be taking pictures and videos of The Kids while they're enjoying their Christmas morning surprises.  You can expect to see a new gallery shortly thereafter (well, as shortly thereafter as I can get to it).

Loki’s recent vet visit

Loki went to the vet on Saturday for his annual exam and shots.  He was a good boy, albeit a bit pitiful in the crying and moaning departments.  Not as laid back as Grendel, Loki doesn't like being taken out of his element (home), but he survived.

The doc said he's in great condition — teeth look good, muscle tone is excellent, heart and lungs sound fine, and the list goes on.

So he got his rabies and distemper shots and was sent home with a clean bill of health.

Because my schedule Saturday was so hectic and yesterday was even worse, there was no treat for him.  But I'm making up for that today.  You see, when any of the kids have to suffer trauma like that (although I think it's drama, they think it's trauma), everyone gets a treat to make it all better.

So tonight's treat night for the whole lot of them.

And you wonder why we call him Mr. Mouth

If you’ve looked at Loki’s page, you’ve probably noticed that one of his nicknames is Mr. Mouth.  Loki got this name because he talks at you rather than with you — and he doesn’t take "no" for an answer.  In fact, Loki’s vocal habits can be one of the deadliest weapons of mass destruction when he gets cranked up.

As an offer of proof of this very thing, take a look at these pictures of Loki.  They were all taken over the course of the last seven (7) years.  Notice anything consistent?


Finally an update to Loki’s gallery

I've finally gotten through the pictures of Loki and have updated his gallery.  Take a look at the highlights before heading over to see all the new pictures.

I've finally done it!  Yes, I finally got through all of the new pictures and updated Loki's gallery.  He was beginning to hurt me on a regular basis because I hadn't gotten to it yet, so you can imagine my relief now that's it's completed.

It was Loki's turn to prance around the kitchen floor in order to get some attention. (105_0506)

As with all of The Kids, Loki loves his attention.  Here he is prancing around the kitchen hoping I'll give him some love.

Here he is resting on the bathroom counter. (111_1188)

As I've explained before, Loki and Kazon will always join me in the bathroom when I'm in there.  Every morning this is what I can look forward to while I'm shaving, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, or whatever I'm doing.  You can tell he's a very helpful boy.

I thought this was a cool picture of him looking over the edge of the bathroom counter. (111_1190)

While he was lying on the bathroom counter, I crouched down to take a picture of him from below.  I thought it came out well (he's very photogenic regardless of what he's doing).

Loki and I playing in the living room. (116_1625)

When Loki plays, he plays for keeps.  I was playing with him in the living room when I tried to pause long enough to take a picture.  He thought the pause was unacceptable and promptly attacked my arm and leg to let me know play time was not over.

He was chasing my hand as we played in the living room (how would you like to see that flying at you?). (116_1626)

While still playing in the living room, I pulled my hand away so I could take a picture.  Again letting me know that this was not acceptable, he promptly threw himself at my hand.  As you can see, that's precisely what I got a picture of.

Here he is grabbing my hand in order to get some attention. (116_1628)

Loki is adamant when it's time for attention.  If you don't give it to him freely, he'll take it by force.  That includes grabbing your hand and pulling it to himself so he can rub against it.  I happened to get this perfect shot of him doing just that.

Oh, and he can practically walk across the room on his hind feet, so seeing him like this is not unusual.  He's the only cat in the house who is very comfortable walking upright or standing still on his hind legs to check something out.

This is my favorite picture of Loki because it captures a close-up of his face in natural light. (119_1943)

This is undoubtedly my favorite picture of Loki.  I was playing with the various settings on the camera and got a beautiful natural light close-up of his face.  Now, Loki knows he's beautiful, but I have to admit that he looks very good in this picture.  Notice the details in his eye color.  You can also see his one white eyebrow (the other one is black).

There are plenty of other new pictures of Loki beginning with the second picture on page 3 of his gallery.

And for those of you who enjoy the not-so-presentable pictures we often find thrown in with the good stuff, here's a picture of Loki you won't find in the gallery.  I promised him I wouldn't put it in his gallery since it's not a very flattering picture of him.  Well, it's not in his gallery, but it's included in this article for the sake of sharing.  Just don't tell Loki…

That'll teach you to lick your chops when Daddy has the camera out. (113_1366)