This is what I do when you spam my site

I woke up this morning to find a newly submitted web link on the site.  Although I normally get these from people who actually visit my site regularly and know what I would be interested in posting here, this was no such submission.  Amazingly enough, it was spam.

This is not a commercial site and I do not promote arbitrary products for any reason.  You may see me mention a product if I have personal experience with it — and I might actually recommend it if I can do so based on such experience — but I certainly do not use my site to send business to companies who troll the web looking for ways to advertise for free their otherwise unnoticed and unremarkable products, sites or services.

Besides, does this really look like a site where child car seats would be a major point of interest?  Perhaps if it was related to any of the number of varied interests I talk about here I'd be more inclined to consider it.  But child car seats?  You've got to be kidding!

Then again, if you enjoy my lavishing you with opprobrium, you're more than welcome to come back here time and again to submit your spam for my careful consideration.

So, to Charlton Conine of Baby Car Seats, Inc. (who appears to be spreading this spam through any means possible) and any other clueless gits who think I'm hear to provide a free advertising forum, kiss my ass and move on quietly.

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