Here are the female boobs, you boob

A new member signed up on the site a little more than a month ago.  I'm always happy to see new members, although I can't for the life of me determine why they'd visit here.

Anyway, this new member, xocobra, has been harassing me since he signed up.  OK, so xocobra is one of my three best and closest friends, but still…

So I get this e-mail from him on November 12 regarding the absence of female boobs on the site.  In fact, the e-mail was a virtual tirade about the absence of a great many things here at xenogere / strange behavior /.

Calling himself "soccer boy butt," a nickname I myself gave him (it's up to you to determine precisely why), he sent me the following message.

Where are the female BOOBS on this site. Where is the lexus dream. what about mustangs. o yea, and BOOBS!!!!

Because xocobra is someone I love dearly and would do anything for, I felt it imperative to respond to his inquiry immediately (even if he won't drop his heterosexual ways and marry me instead of that shameless blonde hussy he calls a fiancée [meant in jest, of course, as I'm quite fond of her as well]).

On the issue of the Lexus dream, you can see my version of that here.  I'm hoping to take some new photos soon as I've removed the mask (bra) from the car — and it makes a world of difference.

Mustangs?  I don't think an American car (let alone a Ford product) will be making the list of things to be posted here — unless you want to put your fine "soccer boy butt" in one again and let me snap some photos (how's naked work for you?).

As for boobs, I'm proud to announce the immediate availability of female boobs on xenogere / strange behavior /.

Since the dawn of man's ability to differentiate between the genders, the pursuit of female boobs has been the purview of heterosexual men everywhere.  This apparent obsession with the bustiest members of the opposite sex appears to be a genetic defect in heterosexual men (we gay men do not suffer from such a malady).  Despite his apparent affliction with what can only be described as a straight man's disease, I think xocobra deserves to see some boobs.

In the spirit of engendering good relationships between straight and gay men everywhere, I happily present to you my pick of the most infamous female boobs in America.

Biography of Dr. Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice, the current National Security Advisor and hopeful Secretary of State in the Dubya régime, is likely the most intelligent boob on the planet.  Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981.  She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004.

Sounds like a smart woman, does she not?

Despite whatever intelligence she may have, she's a boob for working for and supporting the self-proclaimed dictator of the world — George W. Bush.  I once had a tremendous amount of respect for Dr. Rice due to her intelligence (yes, I'm a sucker for smart folk).  Not now, though, as my respect for her has been overshadowed by her lack of integrity and her apparent desire to support Dubya's warmongering regardless of the impact to the rest of the world.

Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton

Gale Norton, the current Interior Secretary, is nothing more than a puppet boob in the Dubya régime.  Her job revolves around ensuring sound environmental policy and conservationist activities except where absolutely impossible to implement.  Gale has bothered with neither.  She prefers to have someone's hand crammed up her ass to help her move and speak within the guidelines of the Bush doctrine.  She supports the careless and ridiculously obscene assault on the environment that Dubya feels will best pad his wallet (and that of his financial supporters and friends).  She is definitely a boob for not doing a damn thing about pollution, saving more natural habitat for future generations, trying to stop the steady annihilation of more and more species, and generally sitting on her thumbs while Dubya and his cronies seek to demolish this planet so there's nothing left by the time his second term is over.

Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman

Ann Veneman, the current Secretary of Agriculture in the Dubya régime, is a proximity boob — the kind that looks good from a distance but becomes increasingly distasteful as you get closer.  Silently and obediently ensuring that American farmers are compensated for having to compete in the world market (wait, I thought the market would compensate them if they could compete with adequate products to offer…), Ann is surely aware of the trade war she supports (either directly or through silence) between America and…well, the rest of the world.  Another boob in the Dubya régime who hasn't a clue what the hell is going on.  Sounds like the rest of the administration, doesn't it?

As you can see, I've included nothing but the best and brightest of female boobs for your viewing pleasure.  How can anyone complain now?

So, xocobra, there are your boobs.  I told you I'd hook you up.

Not the kind of boobs you were hoping for?  I am so sincerely sorry about that (not the alliteration but the lack of real boobs).  Here's a little compensation for the apparent deceptive nature of this post.


Molded Soft Foam Female Breastplate.  Ties Around Back.  One Size Fits Most Adults (depending on what you plan to do with them, of course).


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