Now there’s more inexplicable mayhem stemming from Dubya’s SOTU address. Apparently, he’ll more fully support medical science and medicine in general by freezing the NIH budget, and he’ll add 70,000 new math and science teachers by cutting education spending by 20%. That’s in addition to the state of confusion he perpetrated from his pulpit, the lie about foreign oil dependence, the lie about alternative energy, and the “clarification” that he wouldn’t really hire 70,000 new teachers but actually meant he’d retrain existing teachers — you know, the teachers whose budgets he’s cutting as I already pointed out.
You can’t believe a damn thing the idiot says.
I skipped watching His Majesty's SOTU last night. That's not to say I didn't try, for I did: I got through perhaps the first three or four sentences of Bush's speech before my own disgust and frustration forced me to move on to other things — anything, in fact, other…
February 1, 2006
With 2 comments
And I thought Bush only lied about the oil dependency, but more news keeps pouring in to demonstrate that he lied about quite a bit. Er... uh... I mean he spoke about topics which he was ill prepared to address. Take a look at I guess Bush really didn't mean…
February 3, 2006
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