Now I know my ABCs

I decided quite some time ago I would avoid memes, the little tagging game in the blogosphere whereby someone posts something (e.g., five favorite quotes from film, books, or music; three things you didn’t know about me; etc.) and names several other blogs that have to post the same information and tag several other blogs and so on.  When I first began blogging I thought such things were expected, but now I’m over that impression (whether it’s true or not, I don’t care).  If the meme has some value (engaging, fun, entertaining, enlightening, etc.), perhaps, but even then I would only do it because I wanted to, and I absolutely wouldn’t inflict it on other bloggers like some obligation.

When it comes to this meme…  I saw it on several other blogs and thought it looked fun.  For obvious reasons, it’s called the “ABC meme” or something equally noxious.  I don’t know who to credit (or curse) since I can’t determine where it started.  Oh well.

Accent: Yes, I have a Southern accent when I let it show through.  Mostly, I strive for accentless pronunciation, but I think my friends will tell you I do not always succeed in that endeavor.  I’m kinda embarrassed to tell y’all I can twang with the worst of ’em.

Booze: Negra Modelo if I’m drinking beer; Crown Royal whisky if I’m drinking liquor; tequila if I want to get uncontrollably stupid (I have a major weakness for tequila and generally avoid it for that reason); Vueve Clicquot Ponsardin if I’m drinking champagne (Yellow Label or La Grande Dame); wine and general beer choices depend on what else is happening (if I’m eating Chinese food, I want Tsingtao beer; with sushi, I want Sapporo beer and/or saki [rice wine]; I prefer a merlot if snacking on fruit and cheese; my Italian dinners always demand [Birra] Moretti beer or an appropriate wine; the list goes on).  Yes, I’m an alcohol snob.  It’s called culture.

Chore I Hate: Um, all of them.  If I had to choose just one, however, it would be laundry.  It. Never. Ends.  The only way to get it all done is to spend laundry day naked (me, the bed, the bathroom, the kitchen, etc.), but that means it stays ‘all done’ only for that day.  I have to put clothes on at some point, use a towel after my shower, sleep between sheets, and so on.  All of that means we start the process all over again.  When will on-demand disposable/recyclable cloth finally be a reality?

Dog or Cat: Cats.  Four of them: Grendel, Loki, Kako, and Kazon.  I’m also trying to capture (with the possibility of adopting) Chira, a stray cat.  I also like dogs (why else would I always dog-sit Wylie?).  I just don’t have any right now and am happy with that during this phase of my life.

Essential Electronics: Laptop.  It enables my writing no matter where I am.  I’d also say my cell phone if I didn’t hate it so much (it is a ball and chain), although I love having it with me at all times as I can hit the web, check e-mail, and perform other seemingly necessary functions from almost anywhere.  That’s a love-hate relationship.

Favorite Cologne: I generally do not wear cologne, although I was a cologne fanatic when I was younger (as all good fags are, me thinks).  My favorite is still Hilfiger Athletics followed by Claiborne Sport.  When it comes to what other people wear, however, I have no favorites since the smell of cologne depends greatly on the individual wearer’s personal aroma.  Even the best scents can be turned into foul olfactory assaults.

Gold or Silver: Silver.  Gold is so 70s.

Hometown: Born in Oklahoma City, OK, but we weren’t there long enough for me to call it my hometown.  Dallas, TX would probably be the best answer as that was our most common base of operations when I was growing up, and I’ve lived here since.

Insomnia: Rarely.  There are times when I have too much on my mind and/or am too stressed and sleep is elusive.

Job Title: Currently, I’d say unemployed aspiring writer.  When necessary, IT guru.

Kids: The Kids count as four.  My godson, Dalton, counts as another one.  I also have a son who I have not seen in a great many years.  Yes, there’s a drama-engorged story attached to that, so let’s save it for another time.  Wylie counts as yet another.  Otherwise, I generally adopt all the children of my friends and family, so this list gets very long in a short time.

Living arrangements: I live with my four cats in a comfortable apartment on White Rock Lake in Dallas, TX.  I also have several contingency homes if needed, each with their own populations to consider.

Most admirable traits: Caring, self-confident, self-determined, intelligent, witty, willingness to sacrifice for others, open-minded.

Number of sexual partners: Historically, a lot.  Presently, more than one and less than five.

Overnight hospital stays: Several times for various reasons (knee surgery, back surgery, etc.).

Phobias: None if we agree that phobias are irrational fears.  All of mine are rational: nuclear war, terrorism, someone breaking into my house and letting The Kids get outside or worse yet, hurting them, and so on.  I don’t have any true phobias.

Quote: “Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.” (Isaac Asimov)

Religion: I grew up Christian, tried out a lot of other religions and philosophies, and ended up an atheist.

Siblings: Two brothers and one sister (all older), and one half-brother (younger).  Lots of adopted family.

Time I wake up: 4:30 AM on days I go to the gym; otherwise, no later than 6 AM.

Unusual talent or skill: I probably shouldn’t answer that with the first thing that comes to mind.  I suppose I have two that are equally important: the ability to absorb and process vast amounts of information, and the ability to understand people.

Vegetable I love: My favorite is Brussels sprouts; my second favorite is fresh asparagus; my third is potatoes, but I avoid them as they’re not the best source of nutrition.  It’s easier to say I’ve only run into a few vegetables I don’t like: sweet potatoes, yams, and eggplant.  Aside from those, I really like vegetables.

Worst habit: Always demonstrating I’ve assumed I’m right (even though I always am, it’s not really nice to prove it time and again).  Others might say demonstrating conceit… (Paging Dr. House).

X-rays: Of my teeth, back, knee, head, abdomen, sinuses, and various other body parts.  I assume all of me has been x-rayed at some point or another.

Yummy foods I make: Lots of stuff from sweats sweets to main courses to hors d’oeuvres and everything in between.  Although I can cook quite well, I don’t like to unless absolutely necessary.  I mostly prefer food to be enjoyable from beginning to end; that means I don’t want to work at it.

Zodiac sign: To cover my bases: Sagittarius (archer), Year of the Dog (metal); Yin (younger brother [how appropriate as I’m technically the baby of the family]), Ophiuchus (serpent bearer [that’s disturbing…]), Fire, Advachiel, Dhanus, and Riuros (cold-time).

Next time won’t you sing with me…

By the way, I’ve included the base list below the fold.  Feel free to copy and paste it if you want to respond in the comments or use it elsewhere.

Here’s the list of items for this meme:
Chore I Hate:
Dog or Cat:
Essential Electronics:
Favorite Cologne:
Gold or Silver:
Job Title:
Living arrangements:
Most admirable traits:
Number of sexual partners:
Overnight hospital stays:
Time I wake up:
Unusual talent or skill:
Vegetable I love:
Worst habit:
Yummy foods I make:
Zodiac sign:

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