Wasn’t there more food in that bowl?

This is a bowl of cat food.  It’s the bowl I leave on the patio for the various felines that visit (most notably, at least in the last several weeks, Vazra).  I stepped outside at dusk to retrieve the feline food and water bowls.  They would be replaced with all manner of nourishment for the nocturnal wildlife.  When I stepped outside, the first thing I realized was that the bowl had significantly less food than it contained when last I saw it less than an hour before.  Click on the picture to understand where the food went.

Think “creepy little ‘hands'”…

Bowl of cat food on the patio (145_4531)

I hope you took special note of the hands.  I still say they’re a bit creepy in a human kind of way.  And yes, I left the bowl where it was and found it empty an hour or so later when I again checked it.

More strange clouds and Mercury

From SpaceWeather.com:

MORE STRANGE CLOUDS: Another wave of electric-blue noctilucent clouds (NLCs) swept across northern Europe last night. These mysterious clouds favor high latitudes, but they have been sighted in recent years as far south as Colorado and Utah. Northern summer is the season for NLCs, so be alert after sunset for sinuous, blue-glowing ripples in the western sky.

AND MERCURY: While you’re out looking for NLCs, you might also notice a bright pink “star” beaming through the glow of sunset. That’s Mercury. The planet is moving out of the glare of the Sun and into good position for viewing throughout mid-June.

Random Thought

But even among the synonyms of our own tongue we cannot ignore the imaginative charge of words without being monstrous. You might, for example, be excused for declining an invitation to dinner when the menu that was offered was dead calf with fungus in heated dough, scorched ground tubers, and cabbage stalks, all swilled down with rotten German grape juice, and topped off with the dust of burnt berries in scalding water diluted with the oozings from the udders of a cow. You might well decline such a bill of fare, but you would miss an excellent meal of veal and mushroom pie, roast potatoes and spring greens, chased by a bottle of hock, and finished with a steaming cup of coffee and cream. What’s in a name? Just about everything.

— Paul Roche

It’s been an arbitrary Friday

I obviously had little interest in developing any posts today that might require thought.  In the process, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting caught up a wee bit on photography-related work.  I’ll develop other photo and video posts over the next few (or several) days as that will allow me to relax the brain a bit while I clear up some of the backlog of multimedia content that has languished for several months.  This isn’t a definitive plan, however, and I’ll post whatever comes to mind when it comes to mind.

There’s lots of summer flyin’ goin’ on

Cicadas sing from the trees in a growing declaration that summer is upon us.  Who doesn’t think of summertime when these insects start their annual rise and fall.  Their emergence from underground dwellings also heralds the arrival of summer predators that keep these tree killers in check.  I’ve grown increasingly fascinated with one such predator: the cicada-killer wasp.  Part of that intrigue is borne of convenience as a significant colony of these enormous flyers lives just outside my home.  This provides me with extensive opportunity to watch and interact with them.  Because the males have no stinger and generally just hang around all day, I see them more often than the females who are busy hunting, digging underground burrows, and preparing next year’s wasp population.

Several times per day, at least one of the females will perform a cursory inspection of the patio.  The males simply use it as their road-rage empowering aviation highway; they zoom through at tremendous speeds giving chase to other males, and at times large groups of them sweep through in a fit of territorial guardianship.  I have even seen them give chase to other kinds of wasps and flying insects, not to mention cottonwood tufts and other plant material inadvertently swept into their airspace, but these chases are generally abrupt and short once they realize they’re not chasing one of their kind.  It’s extremely captivating, and my growing interest has become educational as I try to learn more about these benign yet very intimidating giants.

The females, the larger of the two genders, reach at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) in length and are as big around as my pinkie.  They dwarf yellow jackets, hornets, red wasps, and dirt daubers (and all the rest of those dangerous little creatures) by orders of magnitude.  You can see a photo on this page that shows them along with a fly and another wasp (there is also a hornet hidden behind one of the cicada-killers).  The photo is just below the four species photos at the top.  While you’re there, take a look at the four species photos and find the bottom-right entry for Sphecius speciosus, which is the same species as my neighborhood friends.  They are one of the largest wasps.

Despite my efforts to do so, I have yet to get photos of them on my hand or other body part (if they land somewhere unexpected).  That would provide some scale, but the males are too jittery with so many other males around, and the females have too much to do to stay around long enough.  I’ll keep trying…

In the meantime, I’ve put together a small collection of some of the photos I’ve grabbed thus far.  Because they’re wasps and fly and dart about with abandon, picture quality in some cases is not as good as I would like simply because the first picture didn’t work out and the wasp flew away before I could snap another.  Still, I think you’ll see why I find these creatures so fascinating and, to be certain, just very cool.

Cicada-killer wasp perched on a leaf (145_4511)
Cicada-killer wasp perched on a rock (145_4535)
Rear view of a cicada-killer wasp perched on a leaf (144_4477)
Top view of a cicada-killer wasp perched on a rock (145_4539)
Close-up of a cicada-killer wasp sitting on a leaf (145_4507)