Get your ass out and vote!

If you’re an American, don’t forget to vote tomorrow.  Participate in this democracy.  While I’d prefer you vote the Repugs out of office since the entire conservative movement needs a good swift kick in the ass to help them remember what they’re supposed to stand for (much of which I support), the poor saps have lost their way due to indulging in the traps of power.  Well, enough of that bullshit.  Let’s move on, shall we, and let’s see if knocking them down a few notches will help them get back on track.  Oh, and perhaps that will also help Congress do its fucking job, including oversight of the out-of-control executive.

But all of that aside, just vote.  Don’t leave it to someone else.  Don’t assume it doesn’t matter.  Get out there and cast your ballot and act like a real citizen.

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