Thinning the herd yet again

I’m working through my blog list and dropping some (many? few? who knows…).  I’m doing this for a few reasons.

I’m not reading all of them anymore.

Some of them have gone off the deep end so far as what I’m interested in following and reading.

Some of them haven’t been updated in quite some time (more than a month in a few cases).

A few I was following out of curiosity (e.g., some focused on specific science disciplines), and I’ve learned I’m not really getting much from them.

Some just aren’t interesting.  They once were, but now something has changed.  Maybe it’s me; maybe it’s them.

As was the case when I last went through this exercise, my changing tastes in what I want to read has a lot to do with this.

It’s also smart to have a more manageable list that’s flexible enough to grow and change without being overly cumbersome.

Likewise, having a shorter list seems more meaningful to me.  Linking to blogs is an endorsement by me, yet having a blog list 200 entries long has the smell of excess.  At least in my mind.

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