
Something off the top of my head as I deal with significant site problems.  Mind you, I’m posting this even though I suspect no one will be able to see it for the immediate future (well, except me).

opprobrium (op·pro·bri·um): / uh PROH bree uhm /

(1) shame, extreme dishonor, ill fame, or disgrace stemming from vicious, grossly wrong, or outrageously shameful conduct and disreputable behavior; infamy
(2) something that brings shame, extreme dishonor, ill fame, or disgrace; a cause or object of infamy
(3) scorn, severe criticism, or contempt; reproach

[From Latin opprobrium meaning “reproach, infamy,” from opprobrare meaning “to reproach,” from probrum meaning “disgrace, reproach.”]

Usage: [via] Then again, if you enjoy my lavishing you with opprobrium, you’re more than welcome to come back here time and again to submit your spam for my careful consideration.

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