Cataclysmic failure

During this morning’s regular site database backup, something went terribly wrong.  That failure caused the complete downfall of all the SQL tables.  Mangled doesn’t begin to describe it.

But being the anal techno-nerd that I am, I have both daily full backups and incremental post backups, so no data was lost.  In fact, the site’s currently running from yesterday morning’s full backup, and in a short while the three missing posts will reappear from the incremental backup.

One thing might have been lost: some comments posted between yesterday morning and this morning.  I’ll try to recover those but can’t make any promises.

As for what went wrong, it was a combination of things.  I won’t bore you with the details, however, but I’ll admit it’s partially my fault.  What can I say?  I’m a tinkerer.

Anyway, please let me know if you run into any problems or broken functionality.  While I had the site down, I went ahead and performed several major upgrades (including the core site, many of the plug-ins, and some OS and web server updates).  You know, because after a failure it’s always good to make several different changes so it’s easy to see where things failed.  (Note extreme sarcasm.)  Actually, I simply took advantage of the opportunity to make some major changes I had been postponing for some time.

Again, speak up if you run into issues.  I’ll complete the data restore, see if I can restore the lost comments, and continue testing to make sure nothing is broken (or at least nothing obvious).

[Update] I am aware of the page navigation formatting issue at the bottom of the index pages.  I’m working on that one.

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