nathalie with an h’s Confessional

You’ve heard me speak of my friend Nathalie on many occasions.

She’s one of the Starbucks crew, the writhing mass of friendship that meets at our local coffee shop as often as possible so we can laugh, cry, talk, debate, and enjoy a profound comradeship shared by all.

She’s the young lass Rick and I tried to hook up with our friend Mark.

She had the unfortunate incident with a very dead bird mixed with some very expensive leather furniture.

She always wants to know how my writing is going.

She became infatuated with The Child while having dinner with him and Mark, Rick, and me.

I’ve known her for several years.  Rick knows her.  Jenny knows her.  She’s part of my extended family here in Dallas.

So why do I mention her now?

First, something I’ve never disclosed: She’s a photographer.  A very good photographer, I should add, as you’ll see if you peruse her portfolio.

Second, she now has a blog: nathalie with an h’s Confessional.

Her wit tickles me and her photography impresses me.  I think you’ll feel the same.

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