Moving some, maybe all

To resolve the missing photos, I have started migrating those specific images to Flickr.  It appears to be everything posted in the last week to ten days.

Unforeseen delays will keep Zooomr offline at least until next week.  I have no more patience, so I intend to use Flickr for the time being.

Because the Zooomr fiasco has been ongoing for six months at least, and because it seems time and again that hobbled functionality and disabled photos are the day’s offerings more frequently than I care to admit, I am seriously considering a migration of all photos to Flickr.

I hate the idea, mind you, for I have no love for Yahoo! in even the slightest way.  Still, I need reliable image hosting.  Zooomr doesn’t appear quite ready to offer that, and neither do they appear quite ready to compete in the market where they want to compete.

Nevertheless, I like Zooomr and the ideas behind it, and I certainly prefer the personal-touch underdog to the uncaring behemoth.  If they can get the service to some level of reliability and usability, I’ll be happy to continue utilizing them for my picture hosting.

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