Category Archives: Grendel Photos

Falling in love

I’m continuing my journey through old photos, and I’ve discovered two more I think deserve some airtime.

Grendel and Kako have always been called The Lovers.  She thinks of Grendel as her man and he enjoys the attention from her.

This relationship started early.  In fact, its beginnings could be seen in Kako shortly after she and her brother Kazon were adopted.  I’ve always said that, as the only female in the house, she knew immediately that paring up with the alpha male would be her best bet.  And that’s just what she did.

Although Grendel was still recovering from hip surgery and attempting to grow back his fur, he commanded respect while remaining as lovable and affectionate as always.

So here are two photos from autumn 1998 when Kako and Kazon were newly adopted and Grendel tended to his post-surgery rejuvenation.  What you see is one little lady, Kako, falling deeply in love with one very tolerant cat, Grendel.

Oh, and that blur in the second photo is yet again my big paw dangling in front of the camera lens.  And you wonder why photography has never been my career…  Similarly, pardon the quality.  Both pictures were taken with a disposable camera almost ten years ago.

In the first one, you can practically smell the adoration dripping from Kako as she stares lovingly at her new man.

Kako as a kitten staring adoringly at Grendel as both lie on the floor (grendel_kako_01)

As for the second one, it’s almost as if I walked in on two teenagers being a little too familiar.  Just look at her face.  It’s as though she’s been caught by her parents doing something she knows she shouldn’t be doing.  Either that or she thinks I’m going to challenge her for Grendel’s company, and she’s ready to fight for what’s hers.

Grendel and and the kitten Kako lying together on the bed while Kako looks up at the camera as though she's been caught doing something bad (grendel_kako_02)

Let me finish by saying I’m still going through a large number of old photographs and will continue posting those I think are worth sharing.

Another blast from the past

To quote: “There are times when I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to trash certain photos.  That’s never more true than when I go through old images of The Kids as I have done recently.”

I’ve discovered in the past few weeks a great many pictures from long ago that I apparently decided were not worth posting.  Although I kept them in my photo archive, I removed them from the active batch from which I cull blog material.  Many are of The Kids; some aren’t.

So when I started searching for specific items and ran across stuff I thought I should share, I began wondering about my decision making long ago when I dumped them to begin with.  Mind you, I’ve never claimed to be sane.

Let me get back on track, though.

Here are two photos of The Kids from late 1998.  Kako and Kazon had only just been adopted.  Grendel and Loki, on the other hand, were left wondering what fresh new hell had invaded their territory and stable, comfortable, happy little home.

Loki in the box and Grendel in front of him, both watching Kako and Kazon playing beside the box

That’s Loki sitting in the box and Grendel sitting out in front, both of them watching Kako and Kazon trying to dig under the box from the side.  You can see most of Kazon with his tail sticking out, but Kako is reduced to a smidgen of black visible next to him.

And this was my first attempt to get a photograph of all four of them shortly after The Twins were adopted.  Although Grendel (at bottom) and Loki (at top) sat nicely and looked up at the camera, both Kako (at right) and Kazon (at left) seemed to have more important matters to tend to.

Loki and Grendel sitting on the kitchen floor while Kako and Kazon go on about their business

When they were kittens

There are times when I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to trash certain photos.  That’s never more true than when I go through old images of The Kids as I have done recently.

Let’s be clear: I have thousands of photographs I’ve taken over the years.  There are many taken before digital cameras, and there are just as many taken afterward (and growing).

I suspect there are scanned images I thought were too poor of quality to be presentable.  But don’t we all have such images that still capture some moment in time that we never want to forget?  I thought so.

That leads me to these photographs taken more than eight years ago with a disposable camera.  They show the then recently adopted Kako and Kazon hanging out with Grendel.

As the newly appointed alpha cat following Henry‘s passing, Grendel obviously was the best choice for befriending by the two sickly kittens.  Also, he’s such an affectionate cat who loves attention that he was happy to have some new fans who would hang out with him.

Please note these pictures were taken shortly after Grendel’s hip surgery for bone spurs.  That’s why his rear quarter looks like it had been shaved and was just starting to regrow fur.

First, Kako resting against Grendel while he kisses Kazon’s head:

Kako and Kazon as kittens resting with Grendel

Yes, that reflection on the left side of the photo is my fat finger hanging out in front of the lens.  Now you see why I never claim to be more than an amateur photographer.  Very amateur.

Here’s a similar shot taken a day or two later.  They’re right back on the afghan Grendel loved so much (it has since met its match in cat claws and been discarded).

Kako and Kazon as kittens resting with Grendel

That clueless little face staring at me is Kazon.  That’s the same blank look I mentioned after the first photo on his page.

Christmas 1998 rolled around a few months after I adopted The Twins.  The tree skirt, as you might have expected, made for a welcoming bed.

Kako and Kazon as kittens resting with Grendel on the Christmas tree skirt

You can see Kako sleeping against her man while Kazon nestles against her.

And here’s a different moment in time when The Twins had already fallen asleep together under the tree when Grendel decided to join them.  It wasn’t too long after this picture was taken that the kittens awoke, realized he was there, and moved to join him.

Kako and Kazon as kittens resting with Grendel on the Christmas tree skirt

Kazon has his back to the camera in that photo while Kako, just on the other side of him, is already showing her white roots and distinctive white-but-black fur motif.

Around the same time The Twins were adopted, Derek purchased a new computer.  The box it came in made for plenty of feline fun.  Here’s Kazon on the box, Kako on the floor beside it, and Grendel lying in front of them.

Kazon on the box, Kako on the floor beside him, and Grendel lying out in front of them

In the box, as you can see, are several toys and a paper sack.  Now that’s so much cat entertainment that it gives me chills just looking at it.

I’m sure you’re wondering by now why Kako and Kazon didn’t likewise hang out with Loki.  That’s simple: He’s the devil and had no time for pleasantries, so he often beat up on the new kids in the house just for the fun of it.  If they were in the way, they’d regret it.  If they had something he wanted, similarly they’d regret it.  And the list goes on.  Would you expect less from the god of mischief?  Still, that doesn’t mean there are no photos showing them together.  Take this one for instance:

The kitten Kako trying to lie on my lap while Loki walks all over her

That’s Kazon trying to nap on my lap while Loki trounces him with his innocent-yet-intentional lack of concern for the kittens.  His mind was focused on his own needs, as it is at all times, and he decided he wanted my lap.  But the tiny ball of fur was in the way, so he got walked on until he finally left.

Officially ten years old

The Boys, Grendel and Loki, turned ten years old yesterday.  I was remiss in not posting something then, but I’m making up for that shortfall now.

From nine years ago (using a disposable camera, which should be obvious):

Loki and Grendel sitting in the kitchen
Loki lying on a box and Grendel lying on the floor in front of him

From three years ago:

Grendel lying in a box and Loki lying on the floor next to him
Silhouettes of Grendel and Loki lying on different levels of the cat castle

And from a few days ago, here’s Grendel:

A close-up of Grendel's face in natural light

And here’s Loki:

A close-up of Loki's face in natural light

Happy birthday, boys!