Category Archives: Photos

We always said she had a JLo booty

Derek and I always laughed about Kako having a big butt: her JLo booty.  She works it when necessary and flaunts it like a trophy.  Uh-huh, she knows she’s got all that junk in her trunk, and more importantly, she knows she can get you love drunk off that hump…  Yea, she’s all that.

So, anyway, back to her JLo booty…

Kako’s a hottie momma.  That includes having a bit of an ass.  Despite her diva existence, she can’t always properly compensate for the caboose she’s dragging around behind her.

Kako's JLo butt sticking out from under the sheet (144_4415)
Kako's JLo butt again sticking out from under the sheet (144_4458)
Kako's JLo butt hanging out under the sheet (144_4437)

There are times, however, when she succeeds in getting her ass under cover, but I must sadly admit there are also times when her JLo booty takes so much room that she can’t fit her tail.

Kako tail sticking out from under the sheet with Grendel looking on (144_4423)

[she’s going to hurt me in terrible ways if she ever sees this post; btw, that’s Grendel trying to sleep in that last picture]

Halt and have some of my peanuts

It was time for an early morning walk.  The sun was not yet peeking over the horizon, but there was ample light already filling the sky.  As I passed by a neighboring apartment complex, I heard something rushing toward me — or, more accurately, toward the creek.  It was a rather large raccoon who was in quite a hurry to get back home before the sun came up.  He galloped toward me and my first reaction was simply to get out of the way, but then another idea hit me: get some pictures.  But how?  He was moving quickly enough that he’d pass me in a few seconds and would disappear into the brush surrounding the creek.

Ah, but I had a secret weapon!  I generally carry some kind of snack with me when I go for walks.  On this particular morning I had a bag of roasted peanuts.  Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned…  Raccoons like peanuts.

So I quickly pulled out the bag and tossed a handful of them in his path.  That got his attention.  His headlong rush toward his daytime hiding place came to a screeching halt as he stopped to enjoy a bit more to eat before bedtime.  All I had to do then was pull out the camera and take some shots.  Once he finished eating what I’d given him, he continued on his way and I continued on mine.

Raccoon having some peanuts (125_2563)
Raccoon checking out the peanuts (125_2596)
Raccoon picking up a peanut (125_2590)
Raccoon checking me out before he goes back to the peanuts (126_2627)

Representin’ the reptilian residents

More nature photos.  Whoda thunkit?

I caught (via camera, not literally) this little guy just doing his thing in the early afternoon sunlight.  It’s a male green anole (Anolis carolinensis).  First, they change color but are not chameleons.  You’ll see the evidence of that ability as you work through these photos from top to bottom; his change in color is recorded as you see his body progress through various combinations and designs.  Second, I know it’s a male because of the red/pink fan of skin on its neck that is used to woo the lady lizards (I hope to catch some video of these regulars around these parts, including the male using its neck fan and doing the lizard dance of which they’re quite fond).

This was my first attempt to digitally capture one of these little guys and I’m not entirely happy with the results.  I’ll keep trying.  That shouldn’t be too difficult since they’re numerous in this area.  In fact, I always see a great many of them hanging out around my patio during the warmer months.

Green anole watching me take his picture (143_4390)
Green anole directly facing the camera (143_4386)
Close-up of the green anole's back (143_4392)

It was immediately after that photo that he scurried back into the thick of the bush.  While I couldn’t get any pictures while he made his way down to the bottom, I was able to catch up with him there — and immediately noticed he started to change colors on the way down, a process that slowly finished as he reached the ground.

In the very next photo, take note of two things: how long his tail is, and his now green-and-brown color.  The color change is complete by the last photo.

Green anole starting to change color (143_4396)

And via flash…

Green anole via flash (143_4399)

And sans flash, but only after he leaped to the other side of the bush…

Green anole sans flash (144_4401)

Here’s the only one I got showing his whole body — head to end of tail.  I wish it was better quality.

Whole body shot of green anole (144_4405)

Look at his color now that he’s on the ground.

Green anole on the ground having completely changed colors (144_4410)

And here’s Vazra

As promised, here are some photos of Vazra.  What you’ll notice throughout is the condition of his fur: terrible.  While I can honestly say he looks better now than he did just a week or so ago, the knots are still there, not all of which are obvious, and what they’ve done to him is horrific.  There are places where a knot has rolled back through his coat and ripped out all the hair in the process, essentially leaving a racing stripe of bare skin in its wake.  Those spots are now starting to grow back in, but the knots remain intact — and I mean several of them spread over his entire body, as well as what I can’t see on his tummy and under his legs.  This is why it’s imperative for me to get him to the vet for grooming.  Knots like this are extremely painful.  Imagine having your hair pulled 24 hours per day every day as it slowly rips itself out of your head; imagine those knots tracking across your body as they slowly entangle every bit of hair around them; imagine anything that touches those knots causes the pain to increase manyfold; imagine losing your protection from the elements as your hair rips itself out of your body in more than half-a-dozen places simultaneously.  That is Vazra’s current existence.

The first one is of him sitting on the fence after enjoying some dinner and a whole lotta lovin’.  If you click on the photo, you’ll see a high resolution version that makes it easier to see one of the large knots in his fur.  It’s on his right side just in front of his tail (in this picture, that would be just above his tail).  That’s the knot that literally stripped all of the fur off of his right side.  That’s why it looks so ragged and disheveled; the fur is just beginning to grow back in, but the bald spot (literally his entire side) is still quite visible.

Vazra sitting on the fence (144_4452)

There’s always time for a bit of something to eat, right?

Vazra having some dinner on the patio (144_4445)

Here’s another one of him eating that was taken from the other side.  Again, click on it for a hi-res version that better shows the enormous knot and stripped fur on that side of his body.  What you see is the knot there at his ass end and the nearly exposed skin along his entire side.  The knot apparently started just behind his neck and has worked its way to the opposite end of his body by ripping out all the hair along the way.  Major ouch.

Vazra grabbing a bit to eat on the patio (144_4446)

Here’s one that shows one of the knots on his neck (the black ball in the center of the picture).  Again, click on it for a closer look.

Vazra looking out from the patio (144_4450)

And one more of him sitting on the fence.  A mockingbird saw him and flew into the tree to taunt Vazra and, should an opportunity present itself, attack him as well.  That’s why Vazra’s looking up into the tree, a position he held for some time after this photo was taken while he and the bird decided just how far they wanted to take this.  Eventually, even though the bird continued mocking him from the tree, my new feline friend lost interest, jumped down, and went on about his business.  The mockingbird chased him as you’d expect; Vazra just ignored it and continued on his way.

Vazra sitting on the fence watching a mockingbird in the tree (144_4451)