Category Archives: Grendel

Prescription diet

All of The Kids eat a complete diet of Hill’s Feline c/d.  The bulk of their food is dry c/d, but they also get canned c/d on a regular basis.  Oddly enough, they all think the canned version is a treat — so I get to be the good guy even though they’re still getting prescription food.

Now, you might be wondering why all four of them get prescription food when only one of them really needs it.  Well, that’s a simple question of availability.

With four healthy cats in the house, it’s impossible to give one of them something without giving it to all of them.  There’s no place in the house that is off limits to any of them, so you can’t hide it or put it up high enough to keep the rest of them away from it.

For that reason, they all get a healthy prescription diet.  It won’t hurt them since c/d is very good for them (obviously).  Outside of a slightly higher fat content, there’s no reason that all of them can’t eat the same thing.  For the three who don’t have urinary tract infections, I consider it preventative maintenance.

In Kako’s case, however, it’s absolutely essential.  Not to put too fine a point on it, it’s actually a matter of life and death in her case.

Kako’s going on a road trip

Well, perhaps "road trip" is a misnomer.  It's time for Kako's annual visit with the vet.  I seriously doubt she would think of this as a road trip considering how she dislikes leaving the house and even more seriously dislikes going to the doctor.

You may remember that Kako is prone to urinary tract infections.  In fact, even though she's only just surpassed five years of age, she's had three very significant infections — the first of which nearly killed her.

As with all animals, pain and suffering are signs of weakness and are therefore not disclosed until the they become overwhelming.  For that reason, Kako tends not to show symptoms of an infection until, in the DVM's words, it becomes "raging."

It was during her first visit to the vet with an infection that she was so aptly described as "very unpleasant" — by the veterinarian nonetheless.

You see, Kako has a wee bit of an attitude problem.  Being the only female in the house, she has to make up for her gender minority through the application of some serious attitude.

Yes, she's a bitch.  Yes, she constantly gives you the impression that she's being made to suffer through captivity.  Oh, she doesn't mind the free meals and free room and board and the attention and — without a doubt — the fact that she can hang out with her man (that would be Grendel).  Despite all these good things, however, Kako is her own woman and definitely feels as though she's owed something more than the perfect life she's already given.

Given her attitude under normal circumstances, you can undoubtedly guess that she becomes significantly more vituperative when she's ill.

But you can't help but love her because of her attitude.  In fact, it's one of the endearing qualities she has that ensures her a special place in my life.

That having been said, however, she's still a bitch.

And trips to the vet, even if only on an annual basis, can be quite unpleasant.  But I suppose that's part of what makes her visits to the doctor something to look forward to.

Part of her annual checkup is a pH test.  Because of her tendency for urinary tract infections, having her pH tested is standard maintenance for her condition.

Another part of maintaining her health is a prescription diet.  And, since I've put the kids back on prescription food, Kako has had no significant problems.

On President's Day (February 16), Kako will go visit the doctor, be poked and prodded, get her shots, suffer the alien anal probe (having her temperature checked), and all those other unpleasant activities that come with seeing the vet.  I normally only do rabies shots every year and get distemper every three years.  Doing otherwise is over medicating them and is entirely unnecessary (and possibly unhealthy).

This year just happens to be Kako's year to get all of her shots.

Expect an update on Kako's doctor appointment once it's completed.  Hopefully there will be nothing significant to report outside of the death and destruction she normally causes at the vet's office.

Christmas 2003 gallery

I finally got time to complete another gallery update.  Having played with the new digital camera for the last six weeks or so, I think it's time to show you some of the pictures.  Keep in mind that I'm still learning about the camera (meaning I'm no professional photographer).  The new gallery, Christmas 2003, is a large update of The Kids.  All of these pictures were taken on Christmas Eve when The Kids were visited by Santa Claws.  There are a lot of new pictures in the gallery, so go ahead and take a gander.

Update on Grendel’s asthma medication

As you might recall from several previous posts (here, here, here and here), Grendel has been on a new asthma medication for several months.  I'm pleased to report that it's been a great experience all around.  He's lost some of the extra weight he had been carrying because of the steroids, and he has a lot more energy.  Most important, however, is the fact that he's not had any more significant problem with his asthma than he had on the original steroids.  He has an attack now and then (for which he has an emergency inhaler), but they've been no more frequent than they were before.  I'm thrilled that he's not on the other medication now and that the new medication has been such an improvement for him.

Lookin’ good, Mr. Grendel

Grendel's been doing quite well on his new asthma medication.  In fact, he's losing weight just as expected now that he's off the corticosteroid.  Thus far, I'm really impressed with the new stuff he's taking (the inhaler).  I'm glad I chased this down, since he's had much more energy lately and, as I mentioned, he's started to lose weight since his appetite is no longer being driven by the medication.  Cool.