Category Archives: The Kids

Boxed in

I take the time every now and then to grab a box for The Kids.  Whether it be at the liquor store or the office, I think of them constantly and understand their need to enjoy a bit of enclosure.

Presently, four boxes rest about the homestead.  Kazon has claimed the two newest ones for his own use.

Oddly enough, he’s too large for one and just right for the other.  Do you think he cares?  Not!

This is Mr. Man in the box that is too small for him.  I wish I’d captured a better photo of how cramped he looks.  It seems terribly uncomfortable.

Kazon in a box (211_1148)
Kazon in a box (211_1152)

Always open

Kazon sitting by the patio doors looking outside on a sunny day (205_0592)

I never close the blinds on any windows save the one behind my desk (because several pieces of furniture and a lot of wires and cords make it a hazard).  I can’t imagine ever robbing The Kids of an opportunity to wallow in sunshine or to peer out with rapture on the goings on of the weather and wildlife that make this place magical.

And not one of my furry little children ignores the opportunities made available by wall-to-wall real-life television.

My sincere hope rests in giving them even more to watch and enjoy when we finally move to a rural area.  More important even than the windows, however, I desire with the whole of my heart to find a place with a screened-in porch where they can do more than watch from within.  I so hope we eventually land in a new home where they can spend time with me outside, but not outside, where they can enjoy fresh air as it rustles their fur, where the beauty of nature can truly embrace them without exposing them to the dangers of life in the big world.


You’re being watched

Vazra watching me with one eye open as he tries to sleep (205_0581)

Never let it be said that a cat can be caught unawares.  Deep in sleep, his body a rag-doll pile of fur and his breathing deep with dreams, I knelt down and tried to capture a photo of Vazra as he slept.

At no time did I have the element of surprise on my side.  The moment I set the camera on the floor, one of his eyes opened and watched me carefully through half-shut lids.

‘What does it mean, this sudden and unexpected change?’

I say ’tweren’t but a short time ago when first I spoke of Kako‘s sudden transformation with one white whisker, yet today mine eyes set upon more than a few of these new developments, some on one side and some on the other.

Again I ask: “What does it mean, this sudden and unexpected change?”

Has the aged affliction of so many species visited upon her some premature transformation?

I daren’t speak that which my heart and mind believe, that too early dost age and childhood affliction visit upon her this manifestation.

Yet betwixt rescue and now I see this marvelously troubling revolution, yet only nine years hence did I fall in love with Daddy’s Girl, a magnificent demonstration of beguilement wherein I lost myself.

Why now do you change so?  Why now do you present to me this fascinating duplicity of the one who purrs for no other, and this rapid substitution of what has been with what now is?