
I knew there was more I thought worthy of mention…

Grand Rounds 2:18 is now available over at Kevin, M.D..  I’ve grown increasingly fascinated with medical blogs, as I’ve mentioned previously, and this is a great carnival of their work.

Bush says his domestic spying program protects us.  Despite constitutional restrictions on the same, “the nation’s No. 2 intelligence officer acknowledged that not every call monitored proved to have a terrorist link.”  I sure as hell don’t feel safer since September 11, especially now that I know I’m losing the rights and freedoms that once made America great.

And here’s a related post from The Poor Man that is worth your time.

A British festival of Muslim cultures won’t allows gays to participate even though they represent a part of the Muslim culture.  Sounds inclusive, eh?

Alito is sent to the full Congress for confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.  It goes more rapidly downhill from here, I’m afraid.

There may be an impeachment in the works.  If we can impeach a president for lying about a blow job under oath, we can certainly impeach one for breaking the law, violating the Constitution, lying to the American public time and time again, placing Americans in harm’s way at both home and abroad, taking us to war under false pretenses, violating the sovereignty of both allies and enemies, and a litany of other reprehensible grievances.

A moment of monkey skating zen…  Cute!

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