Open thread

At least 361 new animal and plant species have been discovered in Borneo during the last ten years.  The most recent discovery is a chameleon snake.  The venomous creature is one of only a few snakes with the ability to modify its own skin pigmentation, an ability scientists do not yet understand.

Grand Rounds 2:40 is now available.

Twice I’ve mentioned the ongoing issue with a cross on public land in San Diego (see here and here).  When last I checked in on this, the San Diego government was trying to circumvent continued orders from the court to remove the cross as it was unconstitutional.  Their last move was to request the federal government to use eminent domain to take over the land so the cross could be federally protected.  Bush went ahead and violated the First Amendment and the court’s many rulings on the matter by declaring the cross a National Veterans Memorial.  Pathetic.  Disgusting.  Discriminatory and unconstitutional.  Not surprising.

Greenland’s ice sheet is shrinking twice as fast as previously thought and predicted.  “The massive glaciers are deteriorating twice as fast as they were five years ago.  If the ice thaws entirely, sea level would rise 21 feet.”  Oh, and the Antarctic ice is also melting much faster than anticipated.  I think our living arrangements are going to be changing sooner rather than later.

Look!  A video of kittens taking their first tentative steps.  They’re so cute!

Remember this video of a giant centipede attacking, killing, and eating a mouse?  Here’s one that’s even better.  Take a look at this video of a different kind of giant centipede as it hunts bats.  It captures one in mid-flight, kills it, then eats it.  That’s one big bug with some skillz!

You have to read this from Dr. Charles.  It’s his imaginative description of what it would be like to practice literary medicine.  Very funny.

It’s the strangest things in space courtesy of

The trailer for Spider-Man 3 is now available.  It looks very cool.  That’s another one I have to see…

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