What did Katy do?

I was not alone when I stepped outside to the patio this morning.

The moment I reached back to close the door behind me, I saw it clinging to the door near my hand.

It’s been on the patio ever since.

I had to wait until the sun rose high enough to offer sufficient light before I tried to photograph it.  After doing so, it continued milling about and even now is somewhere other than where I first discovered it.

What am I talking about?

A katydid.

A meadow katydid hanging out on the patio fence

From the time I first saw it to the time I captured some images, it had moved from the door to the fence.

Were I to guess, I’d say it’s a common meadow katydid (Orchelimum vulgare), although several other species of meadow katydid might also apply.  You see, one must lift the kilt of a male to determine its true species, at least with this kind of insect, and I didn’t have it in me to violate the poor lad in that way.

Oh, yes, it’s a male.  That’s easy to see as it has no ovipositor.  In the world of katydids it’s the women who are well hung, so it’d be terribly obvious if this little chap was actually a little lass.

What I love about these things is the size of their antennae.  They’re always as long as their bodies, if not longer.  Here, this is what I’m talking about.

A meadow katydid hanging out on the patio fence

Very cool, eh?

Even now the lad remains on the patio fence, although he eventually crawled down the outside to a position a hand’s width from the ground.  Facing the sky.  Who can blame him on such a pretty day?

I’ve not pestered him since our original photo session.  I doubt he needs me up in his face again.

A meadow katydid hanging out on the patio fence


Because Negra Modelo tastes best when ice cold, I placed one in the freezer so it could chill.

I got busy and forgot about it.

When I remembered, I wasn’t sure how long it had been in there.

I immediately pulled it out.

It looked like some of it was frozen, although I couldn’t tell precisely.

So I shook it.

Looked and sounded mostly like liquid.  I guessed it had a wee bit of ice only at the top.

I assumed it was still drinkable and didn’t need to thaw.

So I opened it.

There’s something about explosive decompression coming from a beer bottle that lends itself to new dance moves, all manner of cussin’, and a distinct feeling of stupidity.

‘Nuff said.

That didn’t work as expected

Vazra lay against the pillow as a soft purr rumbled gently from his core.  Kazon, meanwhile, stood on my chest meowing loudly.  His declaration?  “It’s time to get up, Daddy!”  Hard to misunderstand him at such volumes and in such close proximity.

I petted him for a moment, then I rolled over to look at the clock.  6:05 AM.  Perfect.  Not too early for a Sunday morning.

After doling out greetings and affection to The Kids, I rose and began the day.

When I finally made it into the kitchen, something caught my eye, something confusing.  The clock on the microwave said it was 5:20 AM.  Huh?

Then it hit me.  In my setting-the-clocks-back spree the night before, I had missed the alarm clock in the bedroom.  Argh!

The end of Daylight Saving Time hadn’t exactly given me the extra hour I had anticipated.  Truth be told, it never does since The Kids don’t care about such things.  Clocks are meaningless to them.  They have a schedule, which means I have a schedule, and neither has ever been able to tell time.

More white whiskers

Like the caterpillar who cocoons itself in order to change, to metamorphose into something quite different, but only at the behest and with the help of time, Kako surprises me with the vexation of her dramatic revolution.  It was but yesterday, at least in my mind, when she was the mostly-white black cat.

Then came the one white whisker, something evident in this photo.

But still I watched as she changed, as she varied from what was to what was to be.

And now this. . .

A close-up of Kako's face showing more white whiskers

Two prominently white whiskers with yet a third presenting itself behind its brethren.

What’s to come of this?  What means this alteration?